Should we or shouldn’t we ‘Go Galt’?


Good Morning,

Most of us by now have read Atlas Shrugged. We have come to know Galt as a creator, philosopher, and inventor who symbolized the power and glory of the human mind; as a principled counterpoint to the collectivist social and economic structure depicted in the novel.

People keep emailing asking ‘Should we go Galt’?

Let’s discuss it.

The United States of America is in BIG trouble.

Today’s news stories prove such a statement:

  • Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s latest annual report for 2011-2012 says that its affiliated clinics performed 333,964 abortions in fiscal 2011. That works out to an average of one abortion every 94 seconds. The 333,964 abortion Planned Parenthood did in fiscal 2011 is an increase of 4,519 from the 329,445 abortions it did in 2010, according to a fact sheet that Planned Parenthood published last year. Over two years, Planned Parenthood says, it has aborted 663,409. The 2011-2012 report states that Planned Parenthood received $542.4 million in “government health services grants and reimbursements,” which it states includes “payments from Medicaid managed care plans.” The report also shows that Planned Parenthood’s total assets top $1 billion dollars, specifically $1,244.7 billion. “We are so proud of the year’s many successes, and deeply grateful for all the partners, sponsors, volunteers, staff and friends who helped make them possible,” states the report’s introductory letter, signed by PPFA president Cecile Richards and Cecelia Boone, chairwoman of the organization.


  • Obama nominates Counterterrorism and Homeland Security Adviser John Brennan to be Gen. David Petraeus’ successor as Director of the CIA.  This the same Brennan who, in 2009, told us the “war on terrorism” was over, and that the U.S. is not in the business of chasing down “jihadists” or fighting in a “global war.” Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch On Obama’s Hagel Nomination: Obama Betrayed Israel “Earlier Than I Thought He Would”.


  • President Obama said to choose Jack Lew for Treasury secretary


  • Harry Reid is plotting some version of the “nuclear option” to limit the filibuster when the Senate convenes to adopt the rules package for the new Congress.  It essentially works like this.  Every rules change in the Senate requires a 67-vote threshold to adopt the change.  Harry Reid is offering the absurd argument that the Senate is not a continuous body, and is therefore not governed by the rules of the previous session on the first day of the new Congress (before the rules package is adopted).  With that in mind, he plans to abolish the filibuster on “the motion to proceed” and limit the minority’s ability to offer amendments when they vote on the rules package.  He plans to do this with a simple majority vote.


*h/t Gene


  • Buried at the bottom of a New York Times piece might be the real reason to explain why New York’s Journal News did something as sensationally stupid as publishing the names and addresses of over 30,000 legal gun owners living in two New York counties. In just five years, the Journal News’ Monday through Friday circulation rate has plummeted almost 40%, “from 111,536 in September 2007 to 68,850 in September 2012.”


  • PLEASE be sure to read this from Chip (especially his link – its REALITY and SCARY)  *Even if you have to come back later to read Chip’s piece – do it. It’s THAT important. The link he provides will rip any blinders left, OFF.





If things do not change across the board it will matter naught which political party is in power. Our elected geniuses have given us $100 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities from the local to Federal level, not to mention a hollow banking system. Given that our current President finds that we do not have a spending problem, there is no conceivable way to tax ourselves enough or even cut spending enough to have any chance to grow our way out of our problems. Sometimes in life ‘seeing’ reality is the biggest obstacle we face.

The Federal Government only takes in 60% in revenues of what it spends, the difference being made up by the Federal Reserve printing Monopoly money. Add to that the latest talk of a Trillion dollar coin and you know things are off kilter. This distortion has already shown up in high inflation rates and unemployment, with statistics so bad the government lies about them leaving US to fight out facts among ourselves.

For every dollar DC spends we borrow 31 cents. Now given that our ‘leaders’ fail to realize and act accordingly to their spending problems we receive emails such as this:

We’re “broke” and can’t help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless, etc..

In the last few years we have provided direct cash aid to

Haiti- 1.4 B,

Hamas – 351 M,

Pakistan- 2 B,

Libya1.45 B,

Egypt- 397 M,

Mexico- 622 M,

Russia- 380 M,

Haiti- 1.4 B,

Jordan- 463 M,

Kenya- 816 M,

Sudan- 870 M,

Nigeria- 456 M,

Uganda- 451 M,

Congo- 359 M,

Ethiopia- 981 M,

Pakistan- 2 B,

South Africa- 566 M,

Senegal- 698 M,

Mozambique- 404 M,

Zambia- 331 M,

Kazakhstan- 304 M,

Iraq- 1.08 B,

Tanzania- 554 M

We CLEARLY do not have a spending problem (official eye roll please). Here we have spent billions of BORROWED dollars on ‘humanitarian aid’ and they still hate us.

Insanity? You betcha.

Here’s some more:


  • TLC reports: Isn’t this just cozy? Former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (D) is working both sides of the Export-Import Bank. Not only does Richardson sit on the bank’s advisory committee, he’s also a board member of one of its loan recipients.

The U.S. Export-Import Bank recently steered hundreds of millions of dollars in federal loans to Spanish green energy conglomerate Abengoa, which happens to share an advisory board member with the bank.

The Ex-Im Bank approved a $78.6 million direct loan to Spain-based Abengoa in December. It also approved a $73.6 million direct loan to a wind farm in Uruguay, which is owned by Abengoa.

Former Democratic New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson sits on both the Abengoa International Advisory Board and is currently listed on the Ex-Im bank’s website as a member of the advisory committee that helps guide bank policy. 

The bank denies that Richardson had anything to do with the loan, but since we don’t know exactly when he started with the bank we’ll never know for sure.

Oh, and of course, the New York Times has ignored this story.

The idea of insiders getting insider making insider deals with taxpayer money, that’s not odd, that’s business as usual.

What is odd is that a former Presidential candidate and prominent governor being on both sides of taxpayer backed loans to foreign governments is a story that is newsworthy to the Washington Free Beacon and the Washington Examiner but produces no results when you do a search of the New York Times for “Bill Richardson”.

The media ignoring stories like this is also business as usual these days.


Wouldn’t ALL those funds do better work here in good old America?

The sad and disgusting truth is our political elite do not want to help America or Americans. I base that assessment on their ACTIONS. But we are no longer interested in their actions. We are interested in our own actions.

So, what are OUR actions?? Which strategy of Galt’s should we be taking?

Plan A:

Right now there is a ‘financial strike’ dialogue resurfacing on social media aka to not pay taxes. It’s picking up where Ann Barnhardt left off in November.  I DO NOT agree with this. You are of no use to anyone behind bars. What happens to your family when the ‘government’ seizes your banks accounts?  In the words of Jesus our Savior “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s” but be smart about it (See Plan C).

Plan B:

If you mean going Galt as undertaking a voluntary decrease in income to protest the amount of money going to DC and State to protest how unfair taxes are, then consider this…

Going Galt is actually something the left would like. After all, the goal of Obama and the hard left is not simply to rule but to fundamentally change America.  A crisis like that would give them the perfect ‘crisis not to waste’.

So, what do we do???

The way we must go Galt is to become more independent and nudge others to do the same. On election night Bill O’Reilly stated “The people want stuff — they like politicians to tell them they can have stuff.” Of course the useful dotes are now realizing that the ‘stuff’ is costing them in their paychecks b/c let’s face it they need to pay ‘their fair share’ too but that thought had escaped them. It was all fine and good when it was someone else’s money.

PLAN C: (The RIGHT choice)

Plan C is the BIGGEST PROTEST possible. Not to mention, it makes perfect economic sense for our families.

Change your party affiliation to C or I

Change your bank. If you are doing business with the ‘Big, too Big to Fail types’ move your accounts to your town bank. Via CNS News: Bank of America has reportedly frozen the account of gun manufacturer American Spirit Arms, according to its owner, Joe Sirochman. In a Facebook post dated December 29, Sirochman wrote the following: “My name is Joe Sirochman owner of American Spirit Arms…our Web site orders have jumped 500 percent causing our Web site e-commerce processing larger deposits to Bank of America. So they decided to hold the deposits for further review. “After countless hours on the phone with Bank of America, I finally got a manager in the right department that told me the reason that the deposits were on hold for further review — her exact words were — ‘We believe you should not be selling guns and parts on the Internet.’”(emphasis added) Sirochman also wrote that he told the bank manager that “they have no right to make up their own new rules and regs” and that “[American Spirit is a] firearms manufacturer with all the proper licensing.” He also noted that he has been doing business with Bank of America for over 10 years, but will now be looking for a new bank. According to Unlawful News, this isn’t the first time Bank of America has targeted a customer involved in the firearms industry. McMillan Group International was reportedly told that its business was no longer welcome after the company started manufacturing firearms – even after 12 years of doing business with the bank.

Do NOT buy a car that receives or borrowed federal dollars (Especially stay away from Nissan and Ford who are getting a ton of cash as they assist in the push of the ‘green agenda’)

Contribute the MAXIMUM allowable to your 401k, IRA and HSA accounts (for now anyway)

Go back to the barter system for goods and services

Stop using credit cards

Limit your own spending on anything that isn’t necessary to your survival

Buy used goods whenever possible (to avoid sales taxes)

Hold a yard sale (it not only helps out your neighbors from buying new it brings in some additional cash and opens up some space in your home)

If you must shop, shop locally not the big top stores

Start your garden

Start hoarding food (put canned goods and water in that freed up space from the yard sale)

STOP going to the movies

Do NOT give one campaign a penny unless they are a PROVEN Conservative.

Get back to basics. Pull out the old deck of cards for a good game of Canasta or Poker; dust off the games of Life and Monopoly and spend time, QUALITY time, with your family.

Dust off your bible and Study it.


Consider taking an NRA class and purchase a firearm.

*If you are asking WHY – please read this from American Thinker:

AND do not forget Chip’s piece:

All of the above MUST be a concerted effort across America. The only way to win a game of war is to out maneuver and out think your opponent. Our opponents are only thinking of themselves. WE are thinking of ourselves and America as we move to ‘starve the corrupted beast’ as it were. Going Galt isn’t just about money it’s also about this:

I ____________ As a sovereign individual, assert the exclusive right to my life, my liberty and my property, as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution. I support a return to the principle of self sufficiency, personal responsibly and personal accountability upon which this country was founded. So help me God.

Let’s all not only agree to it but make it actionable.

Although this post is long – it’s necessary to include one more item. PLEASE review. As I have told you before, I am not Catholic BUT the message is undeniable: (h/t Gene)

Enjoy your day and start ‘Going Galt’ today.


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14 Responses to Should we or shouldn’t we ‘Go Galt’?

  1. jyoung07424J says:

    Lisa!! When you present a Blog such as this, I wonder whether or not I should even bother with my “Linknotes”??? You’ve covered pretty much everything I would have included in my work for today!! Great Job and I hope everyone who reads this gets what you’re trying to say!!! I’m in complete agreement with you and Chip’s assessment of things!! Maybe it’s time to Go Galt!!! 😉

  2. boudicabpi says:

    Reblogged this on BPI reblog and commented:
    Should we or shouldn’t we ‘Go Galt’?

  3. Cheryl Gardner says:

    What people need to realize is that the left is not capable of producing anything, they steal it…and we are the ones feeding them. Good strategy, Lisa. Already doing most of it.

  4. Jeanine V. says:

    One other little factoid that has gone unreported could indicate another reason for the Journal “News” owners’ insistence on continuing their mindless mission. The husband of Gannett owner Gracia Martore is a government contractor. He recently won an award for “earning” between $70 and 300 million in federal contracts. You can find the info by googling Joseph Martore. Might there be a cozy relationship in which Gannett does the feds’ bidding on their pet agenda projects in exchange for all those lucrative contracts?

  5. Chip says:

    Wonderful as usual Lisa! Here are my thoughts on the question of Going Galt. It is an extremely personal affair IMHO. We all have a myriad of backgrounds and circumstances that would render choice A ideal for some and unacceptable for others…Picking the doable from C makes sense, but the right choice for us as individuals can only be made from the inside out after some real soul searching. Pray and meditate on this friends and the individual path will open up like a runway big enough to land a 747!

  6. Chip says:

    Too funny!!! I get Brian Tracy’s “Quote of the Day” every day. Here’s today’s, which I only just now read ~
    “All serious daring starts from within.”
    — Eudora Welty, writer

  7. erick says:

    I “went Galt” on Dec.31 2008. I had my 25 years in and did not want to support the Obamanation of America.(I also retired to care for my father). I would suggest that any one who is able, should stop working and “starve the beast.” Don’t “hoard food”, but stock up. Make sure you are good friends with at least a few of your neighbors. If you live in or near a city and don’t already own and use a gun, I hope you can run very fast. Bible and prayer should be #1 on list. Cut the T.V. cable is good sense. And home school your children or grand children. Believe me, it’s a blessing with life long benefits. May God help us.

  8. aharris says:

    I already do a lot of this. It’s just a natural preference; I was raised thrifty. We’re working on the gun thing. Hopefully, the new laws won’t be in place before we get the money saved up this spring. I need to start compiling a binder full of gardening and rabbit/chicken/pig husbandry techniques in case we need to employ the cut and run to the family land strategy. I have the links, just need to do the printing and organizing with notes.

  9. Bite me says:

    I have been shifting companies overseas, and firing Americans since it costs too much to do business here any longer. My plan is to leave this country – it is no longer worth my time, and effort. I will leave it to the thieves, and looters… Good riddance… Renouncing your citizenship is easy – getting another is also easy if you have resources. The dream that was the US is dead – this is my way of “Going Galt”. I will deny them my money, my drive, and my initiative – this is no longer the country my ancestors died for, so I see no reason to let it drain me dry when it is against everything I believe in.

    Let it die – good riddance… It was once the greatest country on earth, it is no longer even close… I would rather live in a third-rate country aspiring to be something better, than what was once the best country on earth, trying to drive itself into the mud with the others.

  10. jericho777 says:

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    Should we or shouldn’t we ‘Go Galt’?

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