We, the people, have abdicated our duty

Good Morning,

Apprehend no danger to our country from a foreign foe … Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their own carelessness and negligence.

Let the message go forth to friends and foes alike: The torch of freedom has been passed to a new breed of Democrat, apparently hardened by war waged by right-wing extremists stuck in the folly of the 18th century, most particularly the decade beginning with 1776. I refer to simple-minded, gun-toting, Bible-thumping, red state racists who actually believe that arcane documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights have relevancy in the Age of Enlightenment, also known in sophisticated circles as ObamaMania.

‘For centuries we, the people, have abdicated our duty to a few strong
men. Rule us we said, and do not steal too much. Do not be too corrupt,
do not betray us too much, do not shame us beyond endurance. Protect
the weak, the elderly, the helpless, the sick, and the very young,
protect them from those who would prey upon them. And protect us. If you
grant us protection, you may steal a little, enough to become filthy
rich, as long as you do not rub our faces in it”.

Remember this?

Remember this?

…when he spoke to a group of his wealthier Golden State backers at a San Francisco fund-raiser last Sunday, Barack Obama took a shot at explaining the yawning cultural gap that separates a Turkeyfoot from a Marin County. “You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them,” Obama said. “And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Our Founding Fathers were Revolutionary War veterans who meant for the general public to stay armed to the teeth. They knew the only way this nation was going to survive was if Americans lived with guns at the ready to fight off invaders, tyrants, and even their own government if necessary. That day may be coming again – but the day the government tries to take your guns away has arrived.

Doug Book writes “During the past four years, the gun banning-Left have watched as American buyers broke sales records in the purchase of semi-automatic rifles.  Opting for these and other powerful, efficient weapons, it is estimated that some 100 million private citizens are now in possession of over 300 million firearms. And these numbers continue to grow with each passing month. CBS local reports that Cuomo is ‘close to announcing sweeping new gun control laws’ hoping to give New York one of the toughest gun control laws in the nation. http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2013/01/08/exclusive-cuomo-close-to-announcing-sweeping-new-gun-control-laws/

We were warned by the NRA that if Obama was reelected, he would push for tighter gun laws. The left said we were paranoid, that it would never happen – heck even Obama said it would not happen. Funny how politicians will say anything for a vote.

The Hill reports that Vice President Biden will meet with the National Rifle Association and a range of other groups this week as President Obama’s gun violence task force shifts into high gear. A flurry of meetings with Biden and other Cabinet members were announced on Tuesday that will include gun-safety and sportsmen’s groups as well as Hollywood and video-game interests.  The pace and scope of Biden’s work — the task force he is leading is said to be considering significant changes to gun laws and is scheduled to deliver recommendations to Obama by the end of the month.

Mayor Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Gun Violence released a new commercial to push for federal action. It features Roxanna Green, the mother of Christina Taylor-Green, who was killed two years ago Tuesday in the Tucson, Ariz., massacre.

Former U.S.Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her husband launched an initiative aimed at curbing gun violence on Tuesday, the second anniversary of the Tucson shooting. Giffords and Mark Kelly wrote in an op-ed published in USA Today that their Americans for Responsible Solutions initiative would help raise money to support greater gun control efforts. “Achieving reforms to reduce gun violence and prevent mass shootings will mean matching gun lobbyists in their reach and resources,” they wrote in the column. They said that it will “raise funds necessary to balance the influence of the gun lobby.”  Within that same piece they wrote: “This country is known for using its determination and ingenuity to solve problems, big and small. Wise policy has conquered disease, protected us from dangerous products and substances, and made transportation safer. But when it comes to protecting our communities from gun violence, we’re not even trying and for the worst of reasons.”

Going back to Book’s piece, he continues:

Democrats are confident that fallout from Sandy Hook will provide the floor votes necessary to  disarm the American people. But if the Left is willing to risk picking this fight with millions of American gun owners, it must also believe something far more important—that Americans who have spent years arming themselves against the ultimate expression of tyranny by their own government–the overthrow of the Second Amendment– will choose to not fight when the time finally comes.

For decades, the Left have watched Americans simply “lie down” before every imaginable outrage and legislative assault on our liberty. The Constitution has been prostituted by power-hungry, America-hating Marxists in Congress, on the federal bench and in the White House. Elected officials have laughed when asked to provide Constitutional authority for the passage of massively unpopular pieces of legislation. Tax dollars are insolently manipulated to purchase votes, grease the skids of questionable legislation, and add to the wealth of bureaucrats and elected officials. And through it all, Americans are robbed of more and more liberty as we do nothing but “vote ‘em in and cuss ‘em out” every two years.

Liberals have come to depend upon the willingness of Americans to subordinate their desire for liberty to the wishes and whims of the political ruling class. The cowardly are rewarded for relenting while those with the courage to question dictatorial authority and refuse to submit are accused of domestic terrorism. And all who press their own beliefs—or worse, those of the nations’ Founders– are met with ridicule or intimidation in what was at one time a nation of free, thinking individuals.

In short, the Left has come to expect cowardice or disinterested submission from a people trained for decades to accept as given that the good intentions of their elected betters are sufficient to fulfill the requirements of constitutional authority.  And it’s a safe bet neither Democrats nor RINO’s will expect anything different from the majority of Americans this time around as Feinstein and Company legislate last rites and a funeral for the Second Amendment.

We know what the Left believe. We’ll soon find out if they are right.

“Civilization begins when the strong finally realize they have a duty to protect the weak. That duty is the foundation of civilization, the bedrock on which everything else rests”.

‘For centuries we, the people, have abdicated our duty to a few strong
men. Rule us we said, and do not steal too much. Do not be too corrupt,
do not betray us too much, do not shame us beyond endurance. Protect
the weak, the elderly, the helpless, the sick, and the very young,
protect them from those who would prey upon them. And protect us. If you
grant us protection, you may steal a little, enough to become filthy
rich, as long as you do not rub our faces in it”.

I wish I could lay claim to these words, but alas a man far more eloquent than I has wrote them in a book….his character, a man of God, was speaking of CUBA, but he was speaking of Tyranny!

While the book is one of fiction, the words in the above passage, I feel are so apropos to what we are facing from our so-called democratically elected officials, the “stealing” and rubbing it in our faces has become too much to ignore.


John Hawkins over at Townhall gives us 20 Ways America Has Begun to Read What It Has Sown:

1) Our Congress passes bills that run into the thousands of pages; then we’re surprised that the bills are full of loopholes, set asides for lobbyists and toxic clauses no one seemed to know about.

2) We’ve replaced telling the difference between right and wrong with legalisms; then we’re surprised that people are always looking for loopholes and technicalities to get out of fulfilling their obligations.

3) Feminists denigrate men, tell them to behave more like women and are offended by chivalry; then they’re surprised to find that our society has been inundated by passive, wimpy beta males.

4) Congress hasn’t produced a budget in more than 3 years, most of the big bills don’t go through the normal committee process, and parliamentary maneuvers are used to block debate and keep Republicans from offering amendments to bills; then we’re surprised when we have gridlock, filibusters and massive fights over the debt limit.

5) We allow politicians to work as highly paid lobbyists after they leave Congress; then we’re surprised when they give favorable treatment to companies they hope will make them wealthy after they leave Congress.

6) We demonize big business, pile on the regulations, raise taxes on job creators and treat successful people like the enemy; then we’re surprised that the economy’s not growing.

7) Our first priority when it comes to schools is catering to the teachers’ unions, not educating our kids; then we’re surprised at the poor quality of public education in our country.

8) We allow communists, terrorists, and people who hate America to be public university professors in this country; then we’re surprised when our college students graduate without understanding how this country works and what made it great in the first place.

9) We celebrate victimhood; then we’re surprised to see people faking hate crimes.

10) We have abundant oil supplies on our own soil that we don’t drill; then we’re surprised that gas prices are so high.

11) We reward people for not working with welfare, food stamps and countless other government programs; then we’re surprised to have so many takers demanding that everyone else pay their way.

12) We allow public sector unions to exist and funnel tax dollars into political campaigns and collaborate with politicians; then we’re surprised when the unions drive whole cities and soon, states, into bankruptcy with their exorbitant salaries and benefits.

13) We create gun free zones; then we’re surprised when crazy people with guns go there to kill people because they know no one will be armed.

14) We gerrymander congressional districts to the point that it’s practically impossible for most members of the House to be beaten by someone from the opposite party; then we’re surprised when neither side can work together.

15) We set up rules that give existing unions every advantage over the companies that hire them; then we’re surprised when those companies start to inevitably fall apart.

16) We worry more about children’s self-esteem than their performance; then we’re surprised when college kids aren’t ready for the working world.

17) We encourage multiculturalism, don’t teach patriotism, and treat American citizenship like it’s valueless; then we’re surprised as we become ever more segmented and divided as a people.

18) We elect and re-elect politicians who lie to our faces, see prostitutes, use hard drugs and have affairs; then we’re surprised when we find most politicians care more about keeping their cushy jobs than helping the country.

19) We denigrate Christianity at every opportunity, mock people of honor, and openly scoff at people who talk about morals; then we’re surprised at how dishonest and nasty our society has become.

20) We have a sky high corporate tax rate, a ridiculous legal system that exposes corporations to abusive and time-consuming lawsuits, and the most progressive income tax system in the Western world; then we’re surprised when American companies move overseas.


‘For centuries we, the people, have abdicated our duty to a few strong
men. Rule us we said, and do not steal too much. Do not be too corrupt,
do not betray us too much, do not shame us beyond endurance. Protect
the weak, the elderly, the helpless, the sick, and the very young,
protect them from those who would prey upon them. And protect us. If you
grant us protection, you may steal a little, enough to become filthy
rich, as long as you do not rub our faces in it”.

THEY ARE RUBBING IT IN OUR FACES! THEY have their own agenda and it’s not one that represents the MAJORITY!


Political Media’s Larry Ward has launched a website and a movement titled “Gun Appreciation Day” in the wake of the rabid push for gun control by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and Joe Manchin (D-WV) .

The push for more gun control is under way by President Obama and Vice President Biden as well.

Scheduled for January 19, 2013, “Gun Appreciation Day” is designated as a day for gun owners and proponents of the 2nd Amendment to show their support for the right to keep and bear arms by showing up “en masse at gun stores, ranges, and shows from coast to coast.”

According to Larry Ward: “If the American people don’t fight back now, Obama will do to the Second Amendment what he has already done to the First — gut it without a moment’s thought to our basic constitutional rights.”

Ward chose January 19 purposefully, and hopes gun owners will rally in order to send a clear, pro-2nd Amendment message two days before Obama’s second inauguration takes place.

You can learn more about “Gun Appreciation Day” and find out how to get involved in the rally at a gun store near you by visiting http://www.gunappreciationday.com




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4 Responses to We, the people, have abdicated our duty

  1. boudicabpi says:

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    We, the people, have abdicated our duty

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  3. I have listened to the lies, yes lies, not misstatements, or misquotes, but outright lies by Obama and his leftist Democrats during his first term, and have watched as our freedoms have been taken away by slight-of-hand with the help of the weak Republicans. I have watched most of the Tea Party Representatives thatwere voted into office fight like hell for principles only to be maligned and shot down by Rinos, Democrats and the liar-in-chief. I donated, e-mailed, made phone calls, cajoled, begged, talked myself blue in the face to get people to see that Obama should not have a second term as he would be dangerous and be more of a dictator than a president. Well, here we are, in the most danger our Republic has been in since right before our victories in the American Revolution. We still have a good chance, but it will take so much more work than this Tea Party has ever done before. We are fighting an evil that grows each day…Media Matters, George Soros, the main stream media, Hollywood leftists….all against Conservative values and our beloved Constitution, unless it protects them. They say the right has a war on women, but won’t raise a finger to help women in the Middle East as Laura Bush tirelessly does. They want the wealthy to pay more taxes, then go to Canada so they don’t have to pay California taxes as California heads to bankruptcy at warp speed. The hypocracy astounds me. And now they want our guns! If they take away the guns away from law-abiding citizens, what will the bodyguards carry to protect thes wimps…..sharpened sticks? Or will Obama give them special dispensation? I am disheartened, disgusted, pissed-off, but not giving up on this poor excuse for a president still being impeached and removed because he is definitely not presidential material. And if I see one more panty line on the first lady, I am going to hurl!!!!

  4. Pingback: The “Ignore the Information” Voter | Stuff That Interests Me

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