My Final Adieu


Good Morning,

Yesterday I wrote “I have NO CLUE how we are going to save ourselves or this country anymore” and I meant it.  After writing of the news these past few years, I, like you, am exhausted. We have gone to DC; we’ve gone to meetings; we’ve gone to rallies; we authored a newspaper; we’ve written letters; we’ve made countless phone calls; we’ve spoken up and out to no avail.

Here in NYS, Mr. Cuomo has proposed increasing the minimum wage to $8.75 an hour from $7.25 an hour, public financing of elections, tougher greenhouse gas standards, solar jobs programs, a $1 billion affordable housing initiative, grants for schools that extend school days and a 10-point women’s rights program that garnered loud applause for its provisions strengthening abortion rights laws and enacting equal pay legislation.

We are a community based on progressive principles…We must remain that progressive capital of the nation” the governor said.

There is nothing ‘progressive’ about being Conservative or one’s principles in my book, and as such, this issue will serve as my final ntkn as I begin to make plans of leaving New York.

Yes, this will make many a Republican hack/RINO happy – you’re welcome – but I will always wonder how you lay your heads down at night. Jesus once prayed “forgive them Lord, they know not what they do”, and so I will pray the same for you and ask that he speaks to your soul and inspires you to change. To the rest of you, we all know that the banging of our heads against the wall is only going to get worse.

Just a quick perusal of today’s top stories will prove that:

  • When it comes to big banks, we’re like overly doting parents: Four years after the financial crisis, we just can’t stop babying them. Apparently, despite the personal guarantee of Warren Buffett that the banks are okey-dokey, they still need our assistance. Their profit margins are getting squeezed in several ways, writes Robin Sidel in the Wall Street Journal (as we’ll observe when they report fourth-quarter earnings, starting with Wells Fargo today). For one thing, they have way too many deposits, on which they must pay interest. For another, they’re having a hard time finding anybody they want to loan money, so they’re not getting as much interest back. As a result, their net interest margins are too thin. Meanwhile, they also just can’t seem to stop getting into trouble and paying hefty fines all of the time, which is also not great for business. Big lenders will take hits totaling about $20 billion in fines this quarter from their various settlements with the government, Sidel notes — settlements that weren’t too awfully onerous and that almost never involved any criminal charges being filed, mind you. Even as we speak, they’re getting into more trouble: A couple of top UBS executives testifying before a UK parliamentary commission yesterday expressed shock and ignorance about rampant Libor fraud at their bank, for which it has paid $1.5 billion in fines. And Reuters reports that JPMorgan Chase will soon get a strongly worded letter from the U.S. government that it needs to do a better job of keeping an eye on the money going through its coffers, lest it run afoul of money-laundering laws, as HSBC, Standard Chartered and many other banks have before. Meanwhile, banks complained so much about the fragile state of housing that they won some key concessions in the new mortgage-lending rules announced yesterday by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, notes Peter Eavis in the New York Times. The rules may prevent some of the pre-crisis abuses in mortgage lending that helped lead to the housing collapse, but they will take effect over many years, and the CFPB offered possibly unnecessary protections to the banks against being sued by homeowners.


  • The Federal Reserve turned a record profit of $88.9 billion last year, the WSJ writes. That will go straight to the Treasury Department. Funny thing is, that profit came from the Treasury Department, in the form of interest payments on the mountain of Treasury bonds the Fed holds as a result of its stimulus programs.



  • The Washington Cathedral will now per.form gay marriage


  • “The nomination signals to the world Obama’s desire to shrink U.S. influence “The puzzle of the Chuck Hagel nomination for defense secretary is that you normally choose someone of the other party for your cabinet to indicate a move to the center, but, as the Washington Post editorial board points out, Hagel’s foreign-policy views are to the left of Barack Obama’s, let alone the GOP’s. Indeed, they were at the fringe of the entire Senate. “So what’s going on? Message sending. Obama won reelection. He no longer has to trim, to appear more moderate than his true instincts. He has the “flexibility” to be authentically Obama. “Hence the Hagel choice: Under the guise of centrist bipartisanship, it allows the president to leave the constrained first-term Obama behind and follow his natural Hagel-like foreign-policy inclinations. On three pressing issues in particular . . .”


*On a side note – On his Thursday program, MSNBC’s “The Last Word” host Lawrence O’Donnell said the Bible shouldn’t have any role in the upcoming Inauguration Day ceremonies.


  • President Barack Obama signed a bill into law on Thursday guaranteeing himself Secret Service protection for the rest of his life. White House press secretary Jay Carney said Obama signed the “Former Presidents Protection Act of 2012” on Thursday. The law affects Obama, former President George W. Bush and future presidents, who under current law would only be protected for 10 years after leaving office.


  • Treasury secretary nominee Jack Lew has spent most of his career in government, but during the financial crisis, he was embedded inside one of the country’s biggest banks as it nearly imploded. From 2006 to 2008, he worked at Citigroup in two major roles, a notable line in his résumé given that as Treasury secretary, he would be charged with implementing new rules regulating Wall Street. But Lew did not have just any position at the bank. In early 2008, he became a top executive in the Citigroup unit that housed many of the bank’s riskiest operations, including its hedge funds and private equity investments. Massive losses in that unit helped drive Citigroup into the arms of the federal government, which bailed out the bank with $45 billion in taxpayer money that year. The group had been under pressure to compete with similar units at other big Wall Street firms and, some analysts say, took on too many risks as it played catch-up. “The mismanagement of risk was comprehensive at that organization,” said Simon Johnson, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.





  • Obama Admin Funds $100,000 Video Game Featuring Female “Superhero” Who Fights Global Warming


Let the head banging begin.

And to that end I offer one final answer to the plaguing question of our times…..

Why are our “representative” congressmen, presidents, governors, and other elected officers of the UNITED STATES (a federal corporation in the District of Columbia) not representing the interests of the people of the states for which they represent.


At some point in history, the original intended constitutional description of an elected politician went from being a “delegate” of the people to being a “Representative” of the people.

Clint Richardson answers:

What is a delegate?

A delegate is a person chosen by the people or any other entity to represent the will of the people or that entity. That person (one of the people) is generally referred to as a “statesman” because his or her interest was only in that of the state or area (now called a district) for which he was an elected delegate. When in a national setting, such as in a congressional session with other delegates from other areas, this chosen representative of the people was there on behalf of the people and interests of those people in his district or state (statesman), and nothing else. National issues, therefore, would not trump local ones.

But the most important difference between a delegate and a representative is this: a delegate was required to bring any legislation created in that lawmaking session either locally or nationally back to his area (district) for a vote of the people. In other words, he did not have the freedom to make decisions for the people, he merely was the chosen voice and scribe of the people as a representation of the people’s interests. The delegate and the laws he or she created had no power except that granted by the vote of the people. This made the laws passed by the delegate the actual law of the people. And this made it very difficult to pass a law that was tyrannical and not representative of the people.

What is a Representative?

A representative in today’s legal standing is a person chosen by the people or any other entity to represent the will of the people or entity, that much is the same. But today’s elected politicians are no longer delegates of the people, but rather the parent (parens patria) of the people will.

Today’s politicians become TITLE 2 and TITLE 5 employees of the federal government, not delegates of the people.

What does this mean?

It means that as a representative, today’s elected delegate is conferred with the legal power, authority, and jurisdiction to make their own decisions (i.e. to vote for legal CODE without a vote of the people – with disregard of a people’s vote).

A representative is not a statesman. And a representative does not make law, but rather creates legal CODE. This CODE is not the will of the people, as it is not voted upon by the people. A representative does not have the interests of his area (district) or state in mind when voting or creating legal CODE.

Therefore, a representative is not acting in the people’s interest, for he is not delegating the peoples will. He or she is no longer a delegate of the people. And these legal CODES which are passed off as laws are very easy to pass, simply because the people have no say in their content or their passing.

In short, comprehending the distinction between a delegate and a representative it is fair to say that the entirety of the legal US CODE has no lawful power, authority, or jurisdiction over us as one of the people without my personal consent, since all law is always based on the consent of the people.

If the people as a whole did not vote for a law, it is not the law. It is prima facie legal CODE requiring the consent of the people in the enforcement of that CODE. This includes state, county, local, and district legal CODE as well.

And remember that judges are “elected” as well, and are the adjudicators of legal CODE, not the law. And please understand that you also “elect” an attorney to “represent” you. BAR attorneys swear an oath to uphold that copyrighted legal CODE and to follow legal court procedure. An attorney is not a delegate, but a representative of yourself as a ward of the court not fit to represent yourself. All BAR attorneys and judges are on the same team, representing the legal CODE, not the people. And these BAR attorneys make up a majority of our elected officials in the senate, a large majority of the house, and of course our representative President, who has granted himself the authority to make his own law (legal CODE) through the use of Presidential Directives and Executive Orders, giving force to legal CODE’s without and above constitutional considerations.

Just because a politician makes a pretty speech about being a statesman and representing the will of the people doesn’t make this a reality. Most politicians want nothing more than the corporate clout and money that being a post-politician carries with it, not to mention a multi-million dollar tax-exempt expense account and a life-long taxpayer funded pension virtually unmatched in the private sector.

*For a full review of the history on this read:


So, I leave you to follow the money when you hear of ‘gun control’, follow the money when you hear of ‘flu epidemic’, follow the money on ‘Benghazi’ and ‘Fast & Furious’, follow the money when a Republican ‘leader’ tells you “The Governor deserves high marks for…”. Follow the money on every single issue coming out of the ‘representatives’ mouths. The money is where their loyalty is housed.

Once upon a time Abraham Lincoln said

“..this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”.

With sadness, his words have been deleted from memory, from politics, from America.

My youngest son said to me this week – “It is what it is. You can’t change anything when the majority don’t believe you – can’t believe you b/c they weren’t raised that way or taught the way/things you were. Sure, you can get a few people elected but you are putting them into hell and they won’t succeed in hell.” From the mouths of babes.

Seems Armstrong Williams would agree saying “Sometimes, looking at the political discourse in this country, I wonder if we really understand the ratchet effect of increasing government programs and power over time: unlike in business, unlike in nature, unlike in, well, real life, failure is not punished, but at best ignored, at worst rewarded”.


It has been one of my greatest pleasures getting to know you through the fight to save our country and although I still believe we will not vanish without a fight, I believe there to be too much corruption to alter much. Short of a full sweep of our current ‘representatives’, both local and afar, ‘it is what it is’. I leave it in God’s hands now, for through it all we must ask ‘his will be done’.

With all my heart I hope you change your party affiliation – we must strike the heart of the corrupted beast and without our verbal and financial support – they will hurt. Will it be enough for them to change?  Only God knows, but anything is still worth a shot.

My parting suggestion is for us to continue to leave comments on anything and everything we read…especially the likes of NBC, MSNBC, and CNN articles. While our comments may fall on deaf ears – they, based upon facts and our Constitution, have the potential to plant seeds that may counter their emotions.

And, don’t forget to ‘go Galt’ as we spoke of earlier this week.

I leave you with one of my favorite videos and one final link to read.

Where Does the Hatred of Constitutionalism Come From?

Pray that God protects each and every one of us against the ugliness of what ‘progressivism’ is surely going to ‘giveth’ and ‘taketh’ away.

God Bless America – God Bless You.

Godspeed to us All,


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33 Responses to My Final Adieu

  1. Mark Juenemann says:

    I’m going to miss you. The fight goes on…
    Mark Juenemann

  2. Art Hanley says:

    Thank you and God Bless you Lisa!

  3. Jack Gress says:

    Thank you Lisa and Good Luck. Enjoy your family and consider me one of them.
    Jack Gress

  4. Cheryl Gardner says:

    Thanks for all you have done. You have helped to bring light to many, but, I believe, as you do, that this is now out of our hands. We can only remain true to the Lord. We must leave this in His hands b/c it IS in His hands and is part of the plan! You will be missed!

  5. Ken says:

    Thank you Lisa. For all of your hard work It sucks that all these feel good progressive, low information voters along with the crooked, low information politicians will destroy the greatest country man has ever seen. Ken

  6. Admin says:

    Received via email: All I can say is – thank you.

    You have done yeoman’s work for a long time Lisa. I surrendered the current method of fighting a while back when I realized the futility of fighting a tsunami of ignorance and indifference. nature must and will take its course.


    We could not be considered as an avid correspondent because we really have
    not communicated directly with you very often.

    But that is in no way….. a measure of how sorely missed you will be. And I
    am sure I am not alone in my feelings that, with your leaving, there will be a
    significant void in my ability to better understand what is really going on all around our
    beautiful ( or once beautiful ) country.

    Please know that I will continue to pray for you and your family wherever
    you go and whatever you do. You deserve nothing less from the many scores of
    Americans that you have enlightened and encouraged over the years.


    Lisa; Before you leave NY, I want to thank you for all of your efforts in trying to educate us. I know I have never been so upset over an election outcome and fearful of our future. I’ll remember you in my prayers & pls try & do the same for us in NYS. I have children & grandchildren & am very anxious about their future. I wish you well and like minded advocates wherevere you choose to settle.

    I will miss your thoughts in my in basket each morning, you have no idea.

    Thank you for all your efforts and blessings in your future,

    I’ve enjoyed your emails over the years. Sorry to see that you are giving up the fight but I wish you luck in Galt’s Gulch!

    Best regards,


    Dear Lisa,
    Thank you for all that you did to keep us informed and keep us motivated. Best of everything for you in the future
    Ann F

    I’ll miss you, Lisa. Thanks for a great blog and your great spirit.

    Please don’t give up

    Lisa, my most heartfelt gratitude and thank you for all that you have been and done. This country is in a very sad time and I am very happy that my grandparents, my father, uncles are no longer here to see the demise of a country they sacrificed to immigrate to however, only with God’s help and with Faith we will persevere in our sufferings of the evil that has beset this country. My prayers will be with you and for you that you will be blessed in abundance.
    P & T


    It has been great reading your commentary these many months and I will miss you. I will be not far behind as I have plans to move to South Carolina in the not too distant future. I’m sick of the high taxes and socialist policies of this formerly great state!

    I wish you good luck and success in all your future endeavors. God bless you and your family.


    Lisa, I sense that you are feeling a bit deflated and defeated. I hope not b/c you have accomplished so much, one person at a time. I have begun to realize that we are not in control…God is and our goals are not His goals. So, while you may think you have gotten nowhere, I believe you have been doing His work and that you have played your part in His plan beautifully. Think how many people are back on track because of your hard work! I do not think that we can change NY, or the left coasts, or the country. But we can influence one person at a time with the truth. You have done that. You have been given many gifts by God and I hope that, after rest and refreshment, you can find a way to make life better…one person at a time.
    You deserve the time off and respite from the evil in this state. I applaud that. I personally think that this world’s time is just about up…relative to 2,000 years. There are really only 2 prophesies left before the last days and one of them is being set up before our eyes. Israel is just about surrounded. All any of us can do is keep the faith, play the part God hands us, and hope we can help some people to stand firm with us. And you have done just that. I will sorely miss you….well done!


  7. Jimmie Young says:

    Lisa, I’m very sorry to see you leave us, I hope for greener pastures for yourself and your family! I completely understand the frustration and anger you feel for watching our once glorious nation slide into a maelstrom of untruths, corruption, political gangsterism and so many other negatives that are too many to count!
    I only became aware of you through my good friend Chip Murray in recent months and discovered a kindred spirit in your blogs. I only reach a very small group of seniors throughout the country who I know personally. Your reach and influence is/was much greater and I’ll be sad to see the void that will be created by your absence! I wish you and yours only the best in the future. Maybe moving elsewhere will brighten your days and weeks ahead. The thought had crossed my to leave as well, but it doesn’t seem practical with family still in harm’s way so I’ll just have to do the best I can given the circumstances we face!
    In any case, my best to you Lisa! You’ve done more than your share and you deserve some peace, happiness and quiet!!! Go enjoy, and hope for the best!!! Very truly yours, Jim

  8. Thank you Lisa for the openness you share the good and bad that is out there, you are welcome to come to Wisconsin, we have some lefties here but they seem fewer and fewer, at least our governor seems to be doing his job on pushing for more jobs for our state.

    you and your blogs will be missed.

  9. bill westerfeld says:

    Thanks for all you have done, if we do not
    carry the Torch, who will?
    I’m discussed with the Rinos, will be changing
    my party affiliation, from Republican to
    Good Luck Lisa,

  10. Lisa, if you are still going to live in the US, come on down to the Carolinas. We welcome God fearing conservatives here. The answer should be clear by now that the root cause to our problems as a a nation is a moral one, not a political one. Unless you address the root cause, nothing will change. We have spent trillions of dollars on everything else, and things have only gotten worse. The only solution is to return God and His word to its place of honor they once had in this country. It was the foundation that our country started on with the Mayflower Compact, and WE THE PEOPLE in the church have remained in the pews as the foundation has been hammered at for the last fifty years. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is very clear here. To do anything less is to totally dishonor and disrespect the blood, sweat, tears and sacrifice hundreds of millions of Americans before us expended so we could live in America and have the freedoms and opportunities we have today. How dare we let this happen on our watch!!! The anti-God church has united itself in spending trillions of dollars via the main street media spewing its message onto our streets. Don’t you think when Christ comes back, he is going to unite His church not around a building, or a denomination, or a pastor, or even a country, but around God, His word, prayer and Christ himself? Why don’t we get started on this ahead of time? Let’s go around the government, the education system, the media and even non Bible preaching and teaching churches to expose people nationwide to God’s word. We have the better message! And as Billy Graham says, it is not man’s clever preaching that saves lives, but God’s word and the Holy Spirit. Join us at and . Since 2000, our missions has been to A) put God’s word out in public, B) encourage a great increase in prayer and C) remind Americans of our Christian heritage. If not us, who? If not not, when?

  11. Joe & Lorraine Cusimano says:

    Dear Lisa,
    Saddened, but not surprised and certainly don’t blame you. The work you have done will be greatly missed but is hugely appreciated. We wish you peace, health and happiness. We are all in God’s hands. America is in God’s hands. Let us NEVER stop praying because He hears, He listens and He answers. And NEVER forget that America has always been His gift to us. Only God can save us so we must NEVER lose faith, trust or belief. We WILL prevail. Just BELIEVE!
    Joe & Lorraine Cusimano

  12. upaces88 says:

    Lisa, I know how it hurts. We are ALL there.
    Do you realize how many people you make an impact on that keeps us going? Sure, we can find somewhere else to blog…but you will be missed more than you know.
    Please consider taking a few days off to gain your composure and peace….I do hope you will gather your strength back…and come back to us.

  13. C4F ;-) says:

    To my dear friend and patriot,
    One of my many blessings in this life has been meeting you and sharing in this good fight for freedom. It has been a comfort to know that you were there daily with the NTKN. Your research and knowledge was a valuable tool for all of us to learn and grow.
    This fight is not only nationally but right here in our own liberal state of New York. I understand your frustrations…goodness knows I live them daily as I continue to post and inform the masses. To what avail? God only knows… So I can totally understand why you want to flee NY State. You will be surely missed!
    Thank you for all of your God loving, faith loving, family loving posts. You have been an inspiration to me and to many others. May God continue to bless you and your family. Please keep in touch!
    With much love, appreciation and many prayers,
    PS Stay the course for freedom!

  14. Chip says:

    One of my favorite scenes in one of my favorite movies was the scene towards the end of the movie where Dorothy (tears pouring down her cheeks) turns to the Scarecrow (also blathering a river) and says, “I’m going to miss you most of all.” ~ Wouldn’t it be nice if we all woke up tomorrow and this was all just one very, very bad dream…But for now, most of us are wide awake knowing we’re no longer in Kansas. Lisa, you know I had to step away for a while…and it was the best thing and the right thing for me to do, as I’m sure it is for you as well…but WE don’t want to be stuck here in Oz forever, so PLEASE consider leaving the door open…because I can’t imagine anyone ever coming close to filling those ruby red slippers! Love you! 😦

  15. Linda says:

    Dear Patriot. Thank you for all your inspiration. I will miss your thoughts. I worry about the lot of us. What can we do? We have switched parties, I urge my friends to as well. I guess we wait and try to hold on. I have a few more years before we can leave NY. It wont come soon enough. If possible let us know where you are. I will be looking for a Galt’s Gulch.
    God Bless
    Linda Schnarwiler

  16. I feel like I just lost a Partner. God Bless Lisa. ❤ Thank you for your service.

  17. roymcdade says:

    Lisa, Thank you for all you have tought us, The fight is not over, WE WILL WIn… We look forwards to your returning and know you are a Patriot….

  18. C4F ;-) says:

    The Battle of Athens: Restoring the Rule of Law

    I had to share this aw inspiring video.
    Thanks Lisa for all you do!

    • Chip says:

      WOW Jennie!!! Awe-inspiring is right…I’m gonna do my part in circulating this gem far and wide. BTW…I joined the NRA & the NY Rifle & Pistol Assoc. just this morning! I encourage us all to do the same. We are all citizens of Athens now it would seem!! Thanks for this great share Jennie!!!

    • upaces88 says:

      I have this one in my files also. This needs to happen asap.

  19. Elaine says:

    Well Lisa, you managed to knock my socks off today with your news. I guess it was right up there with something I just would never have expected to be hearing from our favorite cheerleader.

    Not a lot of accolade I can add to the praise already bestowed upon you by others. Some said it far more eloquently than I might and all said what everyone seems to feel in their hearts expressing how much we’re going to miss you. At the same time we still wish you the best. You certainly do deserve the best, just as you provided your best to us. You’ve been our guardian angel for such a long time, it should feel good to take your life back. Though I have to agree with what Chip wrote, sure hope you leave that door open…even if it’s just a “crack”.

    You did a great job Lisa. You’re a natural born leader. You’ve inspired so many to get involved who otherwise would have just read the news. Now we share it with others, encourage them to write or call their Congressmen, and most important, to return to God. That, dear Lisa, is known as charisma!
    May God be with you.
    Thank you.

  20. This is indeed a very dark day. Mark it on your calendars folks – the beginning of the end. Lisa I read NTKN every day, sometimes when the post was very lengthy I skimmed much of it, but, my day never felt complete if I did not read it. Your reported so much the the media was missing and made it so easy to find everything in one place. I tried to get everyone and anyone I could to read NTKN. Your news today is very disturbing Somehow I always felt that there was one person that I knew who would never, ever give up. While I truly understand how you feel, ( I have sat here crying in front of my computer many times – today is one of those days thank you Chip and your “ruby red slippers” for opening the floodgates) I have to say PLEASE COME BACK . God Bless You and keep you safe wherever you go. I am fortunate to have known you.


  21. Jim Hauser says:

    I too am moving. Looking in the New Milford area. Thank you for all you have done. Please keep in touch.
    Jim H

  22. PATTI says:

    Dear Lisa – I really dislike GOOD BYE – how about – UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN!

    Thank you for keeping us up-to-date on the important issues of the day, teaching us and having the courage to say the RIGHT thing!

    I wish you all the best on the next chapter of your life. Please keep our emails tucked away somewhere…so…in case you change your mind…we can reconnect.

    Maybe you could leave us with a list of your resources…so we too…can keep up-to-date…and keep the RIGHT message going!

    God Bless you and your family…Patti

  23. Hilary says:

    You are a true patriot and an inspiration to all of us. You will be missed.
    Best of Luck to you and your family…

  24. Chip says:

    If anyone wishes to stay connected. I’ve set up an email list for kindred souls. Please email me at and I’ll be happy to add you to the list. This was inspired by Jennie’s sharing of the Battle of Athens yesterday

  25. Lisa I met you a couple of years ago when I was new to the fight. It was at a Freedom Works Summit in DC when I met two members of your group that were making and distributing a free newspaper at the train stations in NY. We have come a long way since then but you have always been a beacon of light. It saddens me that I won’t be getting any of your emails. I have been getting emails from you longer than any other person or group. I think eventually we all come to the realization that Communism has finally sunk its teeth into the heart of America. You have touched many lives and we will always be here for you.

  26. My heart is breaking for our loss of a great lady, our “iron Lady” and for what is happening to our beloved Republic. You will be sorely missed, but you have fought for so long and deserve a life with Scott and your family. Be happy, be blessed, but never give up. We love you and all that you did for this nation. Thank you Lisa. God Bless you and God Bless America. Thank you also for your service.

  27. Jennifer Natkiel says:

    Lisa, it is very sad news that you are leaving us. Although I have not been very vocal on here as far as writing, I have been reading and saving your blogs since I found you in the Hudson Valley Patriots. You have been very inspiring and I learned so much from you over the last few years! I have shared many of your blogs with other groups I am involved with, and have always known you were a wonderful voice to have on our side…..
    I wish I could also move out of NY…. but unfortunatly since moving here 9 years ago our house is now worth less than we paid for it, and there is no way my husband and I could afford to move out and bear such a loss. So we are stuck here for now.
    Some day we too will get out of this tyrannical state…and with Gods help we hope it will be before the Obama machine ruins the whole country and we still have somewhere else to go.
    Godspeed to you….and thank you for everything you have done and tried to do for us. You are indeed a Patriot.

  28. Carmella Cammarota says:

    Lisa, thank you for all your hard work. I don’t know how you did it all. Wherever you go, whatever you do I pray the best for you and your family. You are a patriot! Thank you, thank you.
    In peace,
    Carmella Cammarota

  29. Pat says:

    Texas is calling ….

  30. Marianne Hart says:

    I know I’ve not said this enough Lisa, but you were always an inspiration for me. Unfortunately I could not hang in there as long as you did. I realized back in July that the only way for We The People to make headway into the minds and hearts of the sheeple was to leave them be and let them experience all we’ve warned them about. Nothing can be changed until hardship abounds and unfortunately that is the future, but we sure as heck gave it our all. God Bless You and Yours Dear Lady of Honor. Please stay in touch and let me know where you land. I just might need directions to a new life. All my love and proud to say I know LISA DOUGLAS, one wonderful American! 🙂

    • Chip says:

      Ditto that Lady Marianne! I think there are many of us now “soul-searching” this very question…What now? I respectfully submit that every decision we make in this regard has a consequence that may or may not be one we intended. The real question is “What would God have me do now?” Interestingly enough, it was Lisa (yet again) who shined a light on Dr. Ben Carson yesterday! You see, Lisa herself is unable to “leave them be”…

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