
Lisa Douglas – Publisher; USN Veteran; American History Buff; Political blogger – (posts as both Admin & Lisa Douglas).

Marianne Hart – ‘From the Heart’ offers US a personal look into everything.

Kathy Lerich – In house guru on all things dealing with Public Education.

Susan V. Brown – Resident short story author.

Sophie Lerich – Teen to Teen correspondent.

Paul Murray – ‘Chip’ is our Finances and More correspondent.

Alan Caruba – Offers an Independent Point of View.

** To find all the articles written by your favorite author, please use the search box on the home page.

5 Responses to Authors

  1. shutupnsing says:

    Too funny…My topic tomorrow will be 100% unwittingly on-target with my role as the “F&M Correspondent”! I think they call that unconcious competence! hehehe!

    • Joan McDaniel says:

      I have a suggestion and it means a software modification, But could there be a link to what the authors have written? I know that means a major link process but could something temp be done, Like link to their last article.

      • Admin says:

        Hi Joan,

        On the search box on the main page, just put in the authors name and every article published here will come up for them.

  2. Russ Borner says:

    Miss Lisa:

    How might I send you an email?



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